Friday, September 27, 2024

Shirdi Sai Janmashtami


Shirdi Baba's effort in bringing Muslims and Hindus together - Sathya Sai Speaks;

A number of controversies arose when people could not decide if He was a Brahmin, a Hindu or a Musalman. One moment Baba used to say, “Allah Malik!” and at other times He used to cry out, “Ram Malik, Krishna Malik, Dattatreya Malik.” It aroused doubts in villagers about the religion of Baba. When he said, “Allah Malik.”, Muslims used to gather in large numbers in the masjid. In appearance too Baba looked a Muslim and so a number of Muslims came to him. Hindus too worshipped him with Hindu rituals of lighting the lamp, offerings etc. When things were so, the Muslims did not approve of the worship rituals of Hindus and vice versa. Enmity developed greatly between the two clans. 

One day Mahalsapathi was sitting near Baba and was serving him. Mahalsapathi was priest in the temple of Khandoba. The Muslims on seeing a Hindu priest sit near Baba, were angered and gathered in the masjid and beat Mahalsapathi with staffs. For every blow of the staff, Mahalsapathi cried out, “Baba! Baba!” The moment Mahalsapathi cried out so, the blows were felt by Baba!! Mahalsapathi fell down and Baba came out.

 Mohammedans had great faith in Baba. Baba came out and roared, “Devils! On one hand you pray and on the other you hit and torment me. Is this your devotion?” 

The Mohammedans saw Baba bleeding from the blows and came running to Baba, “Baba, who did this? Who hit you?” 

Baba showed them saying, “Was it not you who hit me?” The Mohammedans replied, “We never came near you. We only beat Mahalsapathi.” 

Baba said, “Who do you think in there in Mahalsapathi? I am there, in him. He had surrendered himself to me, therefore his troubles are mine!” Hearing this, the Mohammedans asked for forgiveness at the feet of Baba. 

Baba then gathered the Hindus and the Musalmans and told them, “You are the children of one mother.” And He showed to the proof of brotherhood of man and fatherhood of God. “You should not breed the differences of caste, creed and religion. For humanity, heart is important. Lord cannot be found by the person who searches for Him in religion. One should find the Lord in one’s own mind and heart for He is found there. All the differences of caste, creed and religion pertain to the body. These are all worldly affairs. One has to search for God in the heart that is beyond the worldly affairs.” 

Baba who had come to Shirdi in the year 1858 along with Chand Bhai Patel did not leave Shirdi till 1918. When He entered Shirdi He was 16 years old, in the year 1854. Baba lived for eighty years."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~

(Divine Discourse, 27. 9.1992)

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