Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Effects of Past Karma (2)


Can we modify the effects of Karma?

You can, by using your intelligence, Karma or Acts of past births are accumulated and heaped as a big burden called Sanchita; out of this accumulation, a portion is taken for consumption at a time, this is called prarabdha (that which is being spent out).  With a little intelligence, you can consume it in a manner that conduces to your welfare and promotes your progress  You may have to cook and consume a certain quantity of rice; nothing prevents you from making tasty dishes out of it, and guarding your health in the process.

Can anyone escape Karma?

No; breathing itself is an action.  God Himself assumes Karma, though He is sovereign over all.  And why should you escape it?  Doing  work in a dedicatory spirit gives such joy and contentment, that once you start that type of Karma, you will never like to give it up.  Have the attitude that you are but an instrument in His hands, behaving  as He dictates, as He wills.  Then you have escaped Karma, for, you are not the doer, it is He who does all the acts.  This is the "surrender" that the Gita teaches.

(To be continued)

(From the book "The Light of Love")

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