Saturday, September 28, 2024

Give Up Jealousy

Bad qualities are like the burden of extra, heavy luggage and the true royalty of an emperor is always free of such negativities.  Negative thoughts and feelings make people tense and depressed.  This leads to disturbance and lack of vitality.  If we investigate, we find that such people are quite well off in the material sense and don't need anything because God has given them enough.  Their depression is due to their greed, anger and jealousy.

We also have to drop jealousy which is another disease afflicting us today.  In fact, the unhappiness of others is the happiness of jealous people.  

Once Bhagawan said, "There is medicine for any disease but jealousy is incurable.  It is worse than cancer."  

We are not able to experience our true Self or the state of bliss for long due to the three bad qualities ruining our lives: anger, greed and jealousy.  These affect us more than blood pressure, hypertension or diabetes, which can be kept under control with medication.  Jealousy, anger and greed are uncontrollable and go on multiplying day-by-day.  If they are given up, sharing, compassion and love, which are the basic qualities of the Self, will take their place.

What is the Self?  What are Spirit, Being, Conscience and Consciousness?  What is Divinity and who is God?  The questions are many but the answer is simple.  The true Self is a triangle of sharing, compassion and love.  We are unable to see and experience our true Self, which is full of love, sharing and compassion, because bad qualities are covering it.  Greed covers the noble quality of sharing.  Anger is like a sheet or blanket over compassion and love is hidden and covered by jealousy, says Bhagawan.

Indeed, when we are totally unaware of the Self, we are beggars.  But when we are in its full awareness, we are emperors.  Self is sharing, compassion and love.  We cannot be fully aware of the Self because of the bad qualities that are within us.

(From the book "Sai-chology" by Prof. K. Anil Kumar)

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