Friday, September 13, 2024

Greed Must be Given Up


To be free from burden and heaviness, we must learn to drop greed.  Greed is possessiveness, the constant acquisition of things and objects.  We even collect useless things!  These days 90% of homes are cluttered with useless, unwanted stuff.  It is a morbid addiction to accumulate unnecessary articles over long periods of time.

Once Baba happened to visit the apartment of an aged resident in his absence.  When Swami entered, He found that 98% of the flat was filled with useless stuff like torn pillows, torn books and a worn out bed.  Bhagawan said, "Instruct this owner to vacate!"  When this author asked the reason, Bhagawan answered jokingly, "This person has a possessive instinct!  Very Good!  Let all these things be burnt along with the body and let him carry it all, even the broomsticks, to the other world!"

Greed does not mean only to "have".  One is greedy, miserly and possessive even when one is not ready to part with something.  It is not greed if one has what one really needs and uses.  We should unburden ourselves so that sharing replaces greed.  We cannot share unless we give up greed.  A greedy man never shares.

Once a devotee gifted a suitcase full of costly Japanese cameras to Swami.  Bhagawan ordered the suitcase to be opened in front of everybody and started distributing the cameras to all who were then present, including policemen, cooks and maidservants.  Thus all had the chance of receiving costly cameras.  Would an ordinary person act in such a manner?

It is for this reason that Bhagawan says, "God gives and forgives".  God goes on giving ceaselessly and endlessly.  Giving and forgiving is the quality of Baba.  Why?  He is not greedy.  Even when there is no money in the Central Trust Account, He will announce a project worth crores of rupees.  When the Central Trust people go to Him and tell Him that there is no money in the Trust, He says, "Leave it to me."

Acquiring, amassing and accumulating unneeded stuff is a sign of greed.  One has to give up that greed.  When greed is given up, the quality of sharing develops.  Bhagawan shares everything.  That is the quality of a rich man.

(From the book "Sai-chology" by Prof. K. Anil Kumar)

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