Thursday, September 13, 2018

Baba's Storytime - The Seat of God is the Devotee's Heart

Draupadi prayed to Krishna when she was humiliated in Duryodhana’s court. She said, “Oh, Dwaraka Vasa, Brindavan Sanchara, help me!” She could not get a response, and she became tired. 

Finally, she pleaded in a faint voice, “Oh Hridayanivasa (Resident of my heart)! Will you not come to my rescue?” Immediately, Krishna saved her from her trouble. 

On a later occasion, she asked Krishna why He took such a long time to respond when she was in distress and prayed to Him sincerely. 

Krishna responded, “You said, Dwaraka Vasa, Brindavan Sanchara, etc. I had to respect your words, so I had to go from your heart all the way to Dwaraka and Brindavan, which are so far away, and I don’t have a plane to go fast. When you said, Hridayanivasa, where I am actually residing, I came to your help instantaneously."

So, everyone should install the Divine in the heart in full faith. It is not correct to think that He is only in a mosque, church, or temple. The seat of God is the devotee’s heart. That is why the Gita says, “Pasyanapicha na pasyathi (Though he sees, yet he is not conscious of God in the heart).

(From the Divine Discourses of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba)

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