Wednesday, February 10, 2021

A Lunar New Year Message


"Sacrifice!  Sacrifice!  Sacrifice!  That is the supreme quality you have to cultivate.  The Vedas have strictly proclaimed that immortality can be got only through sacrifice and not by any other means.  Only through sacrifice can there be real enjoyment of what you acquire.  What you earn with one hand, give away with the other.  Without sacrifice, life is a waste.

I give you three formulae: One - Work, work and work.  Two - Enjoy the fruits of your labour.  Today there is no gospel of work in the country.  Everyone wants to enjoy without doing hard work.  Whatever be the troubles, work hard.  Three - Use your earnings for the public good.  When this kind of renunciatory outlook develops among the people, the nation will prosper immensely."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~

(Chinese New Year Discourse - Feb. 1997) 

May the Chinese Lunar New Year bring peace, joy and good health to all.

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