Saturday, May 15, 2021

How Can We Come Up in Life?

Q51: Swami!  How can we come up in life? 

Bhagawan: You have to work for it.  It may be difficult but it is desirable to achieve it.  In fact, everyone should strive to come up in life.  So it is said, "Aim high.  Low aim is a crime".  One has to travel in the right direction and reach the goal.  Birth as a human being is meant for this purpose.  Man has to realise that he is essentially divine.  One has to attain Divinity.  But this is not as easy and as simple as it seems.  After all, a fall is easy and quick too.

Take this example.  As you come to Kodaikanal by bus climbing the hills, the bus makes a lot of noise.  Lorries also struggle and make loud sounds climbing these hills and reaching Kodaikanal.  But the very same bus or lorry finds it easy to go downhill.  So is the case with human life too!  You have to struggle and work hard to come up in life.  But to fall from a height and ruin yourself is easy, simple and quick.

Take another example.  When you shoot an arrow,  the more you pull it backwards closer to the string, the arrow goes rather.  Similarly, if you work more, your
success will be equally greater.  A rocket, the moment it is launched with force, jerks backwards and thereafter it gets released into space where it rises with burning flames.  So in life the amount of effort you put in decides your rate of success.

(From: "Satyopanisad" Vol. 1 by Prof. K. Anil Kumar)

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