Saturday, June 25, 2022

God's Teachings are Full of Sweetness

"Accept only all that is good.  Then good only will remain with you forever.  All that is related to God is good.  Only that is eternal and sacred.  Absorb all that is sacred and base your life on these eternal values.  God's teachings are full of sweetness.  His words are nectarine.  One should never ignore the teachings of God.  You may even give up the body but not the teachings of God.  The human body is made up of five elements.  Nobody knows when it meets its end.  It is bound to fall one day or the other.  Do not give importance to the body.  Life is not meant merely to sustain your body.  Associate with this type of sacred company for mental purification and attainment of bliss.  It is not enough if you merely associate with the sacred company; you should suffuse your heart with sacred teachings of such an exalted company." 

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba

                                                                                                        (Athi Rudra Maha Yagna Discourse of 10.8.2006)

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