Saturday, June 25, 2022



Q46: Swami! 
Today a number of international organisations are striving for peace.  It looks as though the guiding principles of these organisations are not focused properly.  How then is peace to be achieved?

Bhagawan: Their approach is defective.  Where is peace?  Peace is within you.  You are the embodiment of peace.  Peace is not to be found in the world outside.  What lies outside is not peace, but pieces.  First achieve peace as an individual, then spread it in your family.  Gradually you will enjoy peace in the community and then in the nation.  Many countries stockpile atom bombs and other weapons of mass destruction, and ceaselessly go on chanting peace aphorisms.  Is this peace?

(From: "Satyopanisad" Vol. 1 by Prof. K. Anil Kumar)

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