Saturday, July 8, 2023

A Lesson from Nature

"Every object in nature, every incident in time, is really speaking, teaching you a lesson. Dakshinamurty was one morning walking in slow steps along the sea-beach. He looked at the waves and drew a lesson therefrom. 

The waves were slowly and systematically, carrying towards the shore a bit of straw, passing it on from one crest to another, until it was deposited on land! The sea is a broad expanse, it is deep and mighty. But yet, it is constantly engaged in cleaning itself from all extraneous things. It knows that you must not neglect a desire, for the simple reason that it is a menial straw. Force it back, on to the shore, where it can do no harm. 

Eternal vigilance is the price of peace and happiness. Dakshinamurty exclaimed, "Wonderful! The Sea has taught me a great lesson" - the lesson that danger lurks, when desire raises its head."

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~

(Divine Discourse - 29.7.1969)

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