Saturday, July 8, 2023

Baba's Storytime - Where is God?

Once upon a time, a monk wearing the ochre robe chanced to enter a village full of atheists; he fell in with a gang of defiant youths who challenged him to show them that the God whom he was adoring actually existed. He said, he can, but before doing so, he asked for a cup of milk. When the milk was placed before him, he did not drink it; but, sat looking at it, long and silently, with increasing curiosity. 

The youths became impatient; their clamour became insistent. The monk told them: "Wait a minute. I am told that there is butter in milk; but, I must say this cup does not have it, for I do not see any of it, however hard I look into it!" 

The fellows laughed at his innocence and said, "Silly man! Don't rush into such absurd conclusions. Milk has butter in every drop; that is what makes it so nourishing. If you must see it as a separate concrete entity, you have to boil the milk, cool it, add sour curd, wait for some hours for it to curdle, then, churn it and roll the butter that floats into a ball."

 "Ah", said the monk, "That makes my task of showing you God much easier! God is in everything, being atom of the universe; it is because of this that they exist and we can cognise them and enjoy them. To see Him as a concrete entity, you have to follow a prescribed procedure, earnestly, strictly and sincerely. Then, at the end of it all, you can experience His Grace and His Glory."

(From the Divine Discourses of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba)

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