Sunday, July 9, 2023

Finding God Within Us

"We need faith.  If He cures us or solves our family problems, we will run to Him.  Bhagawan fulfills all our wishes only to attract us to Him.  Once we are near Him and these problems are solved, the real problem starts  The real problem is to find God within us.  Why is this a problem?  We come to Bhagawan with desires.  He will satisfy them and then give you a spiritual problem, for which the solution is within you.  What is the solution?  Baba says "Less luggage, more comfort make travel a pleasure."  So don't have any desires.  That is the only solution to the spiritual problem.  So we come with worldly problems for which He has the solution.  Then He will put to us a spiritual problem for which we have a solution.  We have to work it out.  Baba says, "Life + Desires = Man.  Life - Desires = God."  So life is there.  When it is combined with desires, it is equal to man.  Once desires quite that very same life becomes divine.  That is all."

(From the book "Divine Directions" by Prof. K. Anil Kumar)

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