Wednesday, December 20, 2023

The Early Life of Jesus

"Jesus exemplified the spirit of social service. The inspiration for this came from his mother Mary. From His childhood Mary taught Him such good qualities as truth, kindness, compassion and justice. 

In his twelfth year, Jesus and his parents went to Jerusalem for a festival. In the crowd, the parents lost the trace of Jesus and searched for Him everywhere. Not finding Him anywhere, Mary sat under a tree and prayed to God to come to her help. At that moment, a thought flashed in her mind that Jesus was perhaps in a nearby temple. Jesus was there sitting in a comer of the temple and listening to the words of the priest. 

Mary affectionately rushed towards Him and embraced him. 'Child, what agony I went through on your account', she said. 

Jesus told her: 'Mother! Why should you have any fear? Those who believe in the world will have fears. But why should anyone believing in God fear at all? I am in the company of my Father. Why do you fear? You taught Me that God is everything for us. How, then, can you worry like this?' 

Jesus had learnt His lessons from his mother and developed His spiritual faith. After they returned from Jerusalem, Jesus felt that service to His parents was His foremost duty, because He owed everything to them. In this spirit, He used to assist His father in his carpentry work. When Joseph, His father, passed away, He sought His mother permission to devote Himself to the service of the needy and the forlorn." 

~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba ~

(SS, 1/95. p. 3)

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